Where Does The Freshest Food Hide?


Hi There!

Thanks for checking out my book! This book combines two of my great joys these days, harvesting fruits and vegetables with, and reading to my son. There’s so much curiosity and love when we read and garden together, noticing all the little details on the plants and on the pages. When the first copy of this book showed up at my door and I was finally able to read it with him, it was everything I could have ever hoped for. He told me “One day, Wesley’s going to pick the blueberries!” and “one day, Wesley’s going to pick the peas!” He was right and if I’m lucky, we’ll do it every summer :). I hope this book reminds you to share these joyous moments with your families, just the way I do with mine.

I’d also like to take this space to give a big thank you to the illustrator, Charlotte Dennis! Charlotte was incredible to work with and her art was just perfect for this book. Thank you so much for all the work you put into bringing this to life!

Thank you for supporting our book!

Farmer Marc

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A Board Book Style Children’s Book

  • 7 inches x 7 inches

  • Comes with a bonus bookmark to teach children about marking their page and more!

Illustrated by
Charlotte Dennis

Written lovingly in New York,
by Farmer Marc





Read about fruits and vegetables, like melons, carrots, and beans, and see how they grow!